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Your help is wanted!


Currently, Tiny Steps of Faith is under revision. We are praying that the Lord will provide $53,000 to cover the cost of production. The production cost includes fees for the illustrator, the graphic designer, the building and maintenance of the website, and other office expenses.

Tiny Steps of Faith will be used internationally to teach the Word of God to preschool children. Currently, the material is being prepared in English and Dutch.

Would you prayerfully consider contributing to the Tiny Steps of Faith Revision Project?

Once we have reached the $53,000 goal, we will be able to complete the whole series.

Donations to this project will help us keep our prices low for customers. The teacher’s manuals will be available for sale through Amazon. The flashcards and other related materials will be downloadable through this website.


Tiny Steps of Faith is a publication of BCM International. All financial gifts are tax deductible.

Tiny Steps of Faith Project
Project #18286

Please make checks payable to:
BCM International
201 Granite Run Drive, Suite 260
Lancaster, PA 17601
Include project #18286 in the memo.

You may also give online at

Keep up-to-date with the Tiny Steps of Faith Revision Project.

Subscribe to the TSF Update if you want to keep up-to-date with the revision project. Our goal is to release Volumes 1 and 2 by June 2022 and Volumes 3 and 4 at the beginning of 2023.


Prayer is essential to the Tiny Steps of Faith Revision Project. We are fully dependent on God for his help and blessing. We are praying that TSF will be used to reveal the gospel to young children.

Would you like to pray with us? Prayer updates will be provided through TSF Update so that you can pray and thank God with us.

Pray with us now!

    • Thank God for the progress that has been made in revising TSF.
    • Thank God for the feedback from those who have reviewed the material, enabling us to make the material more suitable for preschool-age children.
    • Pray that God will stir people’s hearts to contribute financially to the TSF Revision Project.
    • Pray for a continued good working relationship with all (internationally) who are involved in the revision project. Pray that our focus will stay on God, and we will honor him with the TSF material.

Your experiences are welcome!

Tiny Steps of Faith has proven its worth for decades. We are curious about your experience in using the Pilot Lesson.

In due time we will ask you to participate in a short survey. But if you would like to respond sooner, send your comments and questions to We look forward to hearing from you.